What do you actually do?

Since I started working from home, I get one question more than others:
What do you actually do?
In Geek speak… I’m an independent contractor who spends most of her day writing copy and building funnels. ????????
But if you, like me until a year ago, wouldn’t consider yourself a geek, here’s the non-geek version:

  • I work from home (or anywhere with internet access, really)
  • I choose who I work for and when I work (as long as I can get everything done)
  • Y’know websites that say things like “Just enter your email address and we’ll send your free copy of xyz”. Yeah, that’s the start of a funnel! I build those. 🙂 Most of the time, I build funnels for my friend, Caitlin (You can read her story here). She runs a blog and course about proofreading and getting paid for it (great for folks that love finding errors!). I love working for her for a lot of reasons but one is that what I write and how I create the funnel helps people learn to do something that gives them more freedom. And really, what is living without freedom?
  • I do a number of small things – like troubleshooting some tech.
  • One of the other main parts of my day is writing copy. Copywriting (not to be confused with copyright) is writing copy. That means I write the text that you see on websites.

So to recap I mostly…

  • Create funnels
  • Write the text for the websites, emails, and funnels we use

It’s a TON of fun. I love that the website stuff I do is a lot more technical while the writing is much more creative. It is the best of both worlds.
I had no idea I would love these skills — in fact, in high school I enjoyed writing but someone told me I wasn’t good at it and so I stopped writing. And I thought I was too dumb to figure out “website stuff.”
Most of what I’m doing now, I learned in the past 8 or so months.
I was thrown into it and the only option was to learn, so that’s what I did.
Here’s what I’ve learned from that experience:

  1. You are capable of learning much more than you think.
  2. When you focus on how you can solve a problem rather than “What if I can’t figure it out?” or “It’s too hard,” it’s much easier to learn.
  3. Try new things — you never know what you’ll end up loving!

Have more questions about what I do?
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