You probably already know why you want to work at home. Work-at-home jobs are so popular right now.
Maybe it’s to spend more time with your family or dogs (that was one of my reasons, haha!). Or maybe it’s just so you can be more in control of the time you have on this Earth.
Regardless, if you already know why you want to, then it’s time to move on to who.
Here are the 5 steps you can take to figure out what you want to do in a work-at-home job.
Start with who.
Who do you want to help? Be as specific and niched down as possible. Marketing guru Russell Brunson says there are two markets — a blue ocean and a red ocean. A red ocean is one that is oversaturated. Think about the weight loss industry. There is product after product, workout program after workout program all with the same message. “Lose weight.”
Stand out from the crowd by finding the specific niche.
If I was to go into that industry, for example, I would find my blue ocean (non-saturated market) by niching to Young entrepreneurs who just learned they are type 2 diabetics who are also vegetarian and gluten-free. It’s a pretty specific niche and one that wouldn’t be oversaturated. I know, because I am one, and it’s been incredibly difficult to find recipes that fit my dietary needs, but also are quick and satisfy my entrepreneurial lifestyle.
So who specifically do you want to help?
What problems can you solve for them?
Next, consider what problems you can solve for them. I can help young entrepreneurs who are type 2 diabetics navigate lowering their blood sugar and A1C, something I’ve done really well, and help them find delicious recipes quickly that meet their dietary needs.
I can save them time and frustration. I can help them build the mindset that conquers type 2 diabetes rather than just accepting it.
What problems will they have once you solve those problems?
Once they lower their A1C, are eating well, and stabilize their blood sugar, they may have the problem of loose skin as they typically would lose weight while changing their eating habits. That’s not a problem I could currently solve, so it’s something I could learn to solve.
Another problem they might have is reverting to their old eating habits when they’re stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed — all feelings one has when working as an entrepreneur.
I could help them solve that problem by providing mindset services to help them beat their old habits for good.
How can you solve the new problems?
I could help them solve that problem by providing mindset services to help them beat their old habits for good.
Continue to offer them value.
The bigger, more specific problems you can solve, the more you can earn. I started earning six figures because I was solving a ton of problems for someone.
If you’re not sure how to offer them value, ask. If you’re not sure how to find people to ask, you can create some kind of lead magnet.
Lead Magnet: A lead magnet is an incentive to give a marketer your email address. In exchange for your email address, you get something from them. The thing you get is a lead magnet. It could be a video series, ebook, PDF, or a variety of other things. If you’ve ever been on a site that says “Just enter your name and email address and we’ll send you XYZ”, you’ve experienced a landing page with a lead magnet.
A lead magnet is useful because it helps you add people to your email list or subscription list and then you can build a relationship with them so they can see if you’re the person they want to purchase from. It also helps them because your lead magnet should solve some kind of problem for them.
Our Take
Working from home is simple (not easy) and it takes a lot of consistency, hard work, and long-term thinking. Do you think you have or could develop those qualities for your own work-at-home job life?
Your turn
Now that you’ve had a chance to see what you would need to do to get started in an entrepreneur position, you can use the Teacher’s Toolkit to see what kind of contractor positions you might take on using the skills you already have as a teacher.