Interviews with former teachers inspire the Life After Teaching community like nothing else. There’s just something about hearing how someone else did this seemingly impossible thing to make us all stop and say, “Hey, maybe that could be me!”
So, thank you so much for being up for sharing your Life After Teaching story! At your convenience, please answer the follow questions in the Message box and click Submit. I’ll confirm your interview ASAP!
When you hit submit, the page will re-load and all the boxes will appear blank. Don’t fret — your submission went through just fine! 🙂
- Please describe your teaching experience and educational background. (What degree or certificate did you earn, what level and subject did you teach, how was your overall teaching experience?)
- When did you realize teaching was no longer right for you? Was there a specific moment or did it dawn on you slowly?
- What position do you have now? (If you’d rather not list specifics, just describe a generic title and role you hold and we’ll leave out the personal details).
- Why do you think you got this job? (Your network, your resume, etc)
- What do you miss about teaching?
- What do you NOT miss about teaching?
- What surprises you most about life after teaching? (That is, does work outside the classroom meet the expectations you had for it after teaching, or did some of it surprise you?)
- What advice would you give to a teacher who is afraid to leave the familiarity of the classroom for another job?
- Do you think teachers are more talented than they think? Why?
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